Android is the latest technology in computer world or cell phone world. There are different android applications 400,000 and continue work   to   develop more and more apps of android .Foundation of the android technology by Palo Alto in California from October 2003 .After two years GOOGLE purchased this technology. There are different features of the android apps .In android tech the operating system is the linux and other windows also can be install in it. This is the open way to use cell as a tablet, smart phone and computer also.       

Multiple  applications can be used at a same time for different task. It is best phone technology instead of the window or cell phone (apple) .In android application or other data can share through Bluetooth or other source but iphone cannot share or communicate with every device . iphone just communicate only  with same phone like apple to apple technology or I tune. Android is not the customize in application but I phone is customized more than the android tech. The other difference is google charges on every app is only 5 dollar but iphone  100 dollar first time from the company.

Different version is launched in market of android technology.
                     Version                                     Date of launch

                               2.3 ginger bread                                 dec,2010
                               3.0 honey cup                                    may,2011
                               4.0 ice cream sandwitch                       oct,2011
                             4.1 jelly bean                                       july 2012


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